- Have replicas and nodes so users don’t lose data
- Have a coordinator service for nodes
- Have DB with meta data and have a pending status
S3 Launched in 2006
- Versioning, bucket policy, and multi-part upload support in 2010
- Server side encryption, multi-object delete, object expiration in 2011
- 2 trillion objects stored in 2013
- Life Cycle policy, event notification, cross-region replication
- 100 trillion objects storied in S3 in 2021
Storage System 101
There’s three broad categories of storage
Block Storage File Storage Object Storage
Block Storage
- Came out in 1960s
- SSD and HDD are attached to servers
- Most versatile because applications can use the blocks / volumes of storage, or they can use the file system of the OS
File Storage
- Built on top of block storage
- Data stored as hierarchial structure
- SMB/CIFS and NFS are network protocols to transfer and share storage between servers
- Has great simplicity to share files within an organizations
Object Storage
- New, sacrifices performance for durability
- Stores objects in a flat structure, no hierarchy
- Data accessed via RESTful APi
![[Pasted image 20240216082313.png]]
![[Pasted image 20240216082328.png]]
Bucket -> Container for objects
Object -> Individual piece of data we store in bucket
Versioning -> Multiple variants of an object in the same bucket
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) -> Object storage provides RESTful APIs
Service - level agreements (SLA) -> Contract between service provider and client
- Design for durability of 99.9999999% of objects on multiple availability zones
Step 1 - Understand Problem and Establish Scope
Which features should be included in the design?
- Bucket creation
- Object uploading and downloading
- Object versioning
- Listing objects in a bucket, like AWS s3,
What’s typical data size?
- Few GBs or more and large number of small objects (tens of KBs) efficiently
How much data do we need to store in one year
- 100 PB
Can we assume durability is 6 nines? and service availability is 4 nines?
- (Note I like this question for showing knowledge of nines)
- Sounds reasonable
Non-functional Requirements
- 100PB of data
- Data durability of 6 nines
- Service availability of 4 nines
- Storage efficiency
Back of Envelope Estimations
Object storage has bottlenecks of disk capacity or disk IO per second
Disk Capacity
- Let’s assume
- 20% are small
- 60% of objects are medium
- 20% are large objects
IOPS -> one hard disk can do 100 - 150 random seeks per second (100 - 150 IOPS)
Use median of small, medium, and large object to simplify math 40% usage ratio gives
100PB = 100 x 1000 x 1000 x 1000 MB = 10^11 MB 10^11 x .4 / (.2x.5MB … …. ..) = .68B objects
Probably won’t use these numbers but Xu likes to have numbers
Step 2 -> Propose High level design and get buy-in
Characteristics of Object Storage
- Object immutability
- Key-Value Store
- Write once, read many times
- support both small and large objects
File storage in UNIX works by writing inodes that point to where the data is located
![[Pasted image 20240216085007.png]]
Load balancer
API service
Identity and acces management
Data store
Metadata store
Uploading an object
![[Pasted image 20240216090749.png]]
Downloading an Object
![[Pasted image 20240216090805.png]]
Step 3 - Design Deep Dive
Data Store
Has three main components
![[Pasted image 20240216092328.png]]
Data Routing uses RESTful or GRPC APIs to access datanode cluster. It can scale by adding mroe servicers
- It queries the placement service to get best data node to store data
- Reads data from data nodes to give to API service
- Writes data to the data nodes
Placement Service
- Uses a virtual cluster map of all data nodes
- Uses heart beats to make sure the data node is available
- Also contains location info for each data node to make sure replicas are physically separated
- Paxos or Raft consensus protocol can build this service, best to have 5 or 7
Data Node
Stores the actual data Has a data service darmon running on it Sends heartbeats to the placement service
- Says how much data is stored on each drive
- Says how many disk drives the data node is managing
When placement receives the first ever message, it sets it on the virtual cluster map and gives a unique ID
Persisting Node Data
![[Pasted image 20240216092856.png]]
Notice the replication
Primary node responds once writes complete and the data routing service ACKS and sends object ID back to API
Can choose which level of replication you want. There’s a tradeoff between consistency and latency
- ACK after 2 successful replicas (Slowest, but safest and highest consistency)
- ACK after 1
- ACK after 0 successful replicas but a success primary (lowest latency)
Data Routing Service
Three responsbilities
- Query Placement service to get best data node
- Read data from data nodes to return
- Write data to data node
Placement Service
Determines which node to choose to store the data / object Uses virtual cluster map ![[Pasted image 20240502184231.png]] Used to make sure replicas are physically separated
- If one region goes done, not all data is lost
Monitors all nodes through heartbeats, it node doesn’t send heartbeat within window, marked as DOWN on the map
Xu suggests using cluster of 5 or 7 nodes with Paxos or Raft consensus protocol***
- idk what that means
- Consensus protocol means that service will work as long as half nodes are UP
Data Node
- Store actual object
- Node will control several HDD / SDDs and send info through heartbeats to Placement Service
- Also says how much data is stored on each drive
- First hearbeat assigns an ID to the node and maps it on the virtual cluster map
How Data is Organized
Naive soltion is to store each object on it’s own file
- Bad for scalibility / performance
- Wastes data blocks
- Systems use data blocks, and 1 Byte file will take up entire 4KB block
- Could exceed system’s inode capacity
- System isn’t used to having like 1M tiny files Solution
- Wastes data blocks
- Merge files into a larger file
- Basically a WAL (Write ahead log)
- Append all objects to read-write file, when it’s full, make a new read-write file to save it too
- Mark old as read-only ![[Pasted image 20240502185051.png]]
Writes must be serialized. Objects are stored in order, one after the other Multiple cores are needed to write in parallel and must take turns
- Each core can have their own dedicated read-write files
What database to use for key-value store?
- RocksDB
- Slower for reads (Uses an SS Table)
- S3 Is read heavy
- Each Data Node can have it’s own little relationalDB like SQLite
- Never need to share data across nodes, only Node care about their own data
- File based DB with great reputation
API wants to save new object named object4
Appends new object onto read-write file names /data/c
New record of object4
is inserted into object mapping table
Data node service returns the UUID of object4
to API service
Object Look Up
Find the data using the file name, starting offset, and the size of data
How to store data
I’m skipping this section
Goes into details on how file storage works
Need the start offset of the object along with it’s size
Hardware failures and failure domain
- We replicate data 3 times because each hard drive has about a 0.81% failure rate per year
- 3 data copies gives 0.999999 reliability or something
Failure domain requires isolating the physical environment, so one environment going down doesn’t destroy everything
- Rack-level domain -> Everything for a server rack if it goes down
This is why Xu recommends availability zones ![[Pasted image 20240216093614.png]]
Erasure Coding to boost durability
Data is spliced into smaller pieces and places on different servers Creates parity If a failure occurs, we can reconstruct the pieces
![[Pasted image 20240216093742.png]]
You don’t lose 100% of the data
![[Pasted image 20240216093814.png]] Erasure has cost efficiency, don’t need to spend money on more stoarge
Greatly complicates node design though
Correctness Verification -> Data Corruption
In-memory data corruption happen a lot in big systems
Use checksums to verify if the data was correct
- looks like a hashing algorithm that you can run to see if the data is the same
Metadata data model
Find object ID by name Insert and delete an object based on object name List objects in a bucket sharing the same prefix
![[Pasted image 20240216094536.png]]
Scaling the bucket
There’s a limit on buckets a user can create so the bucket size is small. So scale isn’t a problem
Scaling the object table
Holds the metadata for the object.
Can scale this table with sharding.
- Which key to use?
- bucket_Name can introduce hot key issue
- object_id works but makes key range queries hard for query 2 and 3
- Maybe normalize?
- Use a hash of the bucket_name and object name as sharding key
Closing out this chapter to maybe do later
Things mentioned..
Query to list objects in bucket Single vs. Distributed databases for this query Uploading large objects Garbage collections object versioning
Object Versioning
Add new column called object_version
- Instead of deleting objects, you always keep them in the mete-data store
- Reroute the UUID’s and generate a new UUID for the old data
- Basically it, although Xu wrote more examples of how it works
Optimizing Uploads of Large Files
Multipart Uploads
Start upload process, generate a ETag (Num of parts) When num of parts are all uploaded, mark as success
![[Pasted image 20240502190315.png]]
Garbage Collection
Reclaiming dead storage
- Storage can be marked as deleted but never deleted
- Half uploaded files can be never deleted
- Corrupted Data
Occasionally checks all the objects and sees if they should be deleted Deletes object in primaries and backups
- If Erasure coding, for an 8+4 setup, deletes from all 12 nodes
If Delete flag is true, it will delete all the objects