How to Deploy a Django Application on AWS

Deploying a Django application on AWS EC2 is both cost-effective and efficient, allowing you to launch robust software for as little as $4/month. This guide will walk you through the steps to make your application accessible globally using AWS, the leading cloud provider. Although this tutorial focuses on AWS, the principles are applicable to other cloud services as well.

Step-by-Step Guide to Deploying on AWS EC2

  1. Create an AWS Account

  2. Create an EC2 Instance

    • Navigate to EC2 and click on “Launch Instance”.
  3. Choose an Operating System

    • Select Ubuntu as the operating system for your instance.
  4. Select Instance Type

    • Opt for a free tier instance, such as t2.micro.
  5. Create a Key-Pair

    • Set up a key-pair for secure access to your instance.
  6. Set Network Rules

    • Allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic to enable web access.
  7. Choose Storage

    • Decide on your storage needs; the free trial includes up to 30GB.
  8. Launch the Instance

    • Complete the setup and launch your instance. Ensure you’re not setting up a configuration that could lead to unexpected costs.
  9. Access Your Instance

    • Use SSH or AWS’s EC2 Instance Connect to access your instance.
  10. Set Up Django

    • Update your packages: sudo apt-get update.
    • Install Python and pip: sudo apt install python3 python3-pip.
    • Install Django: pip3 install django.
    • Create and activate a virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate.
    • Start a new Django project: django-admin startproject myproject.
    • Start the Django server: python3 runserver
  11. Configure Security Settings

    • To make your application accessible, adjust the security settings to allow inbound TCP traffic on port 8000 from any IP address (
  12. Access Your Application

    • Visit your application via the public IPv4 address followed by the specified port, e.g.,

This setup, costing about $4/month after the free trial, provides a solid foundation for a web application that can potentially support hundreds to thousands of users. For enhanced security and performance, consider integrating more robust solutions like Apache and implementing HTTPS.