5 Ways ChatGPT Saves My Life on a Daily Basis

According to a PewResearch study, 24% of US citizens use ChatGPT. This number rises to 50% among programmers using AI tools, as per the StackOverflow survey. Interestingly, 30% of the coders planned to never use it.

ChatGPT is becoming a new pop trend, suggesting significant impacts on various professions, including writing, design, and even programming. Despite some concerns, I view it as a valuable tool and here’s how it helps me:

1. I Learn New Skills Faster

To quickly grasp new subjects, I start with the basics and expand from there. For example:

“I want to learn how to become a photographer. Can you use the Pareto Principle to create a focused learning plan for me?”

ChatGPT then outlines the most important skills needed to excel.

For programming, the advice is straightforward:

  • Choose a language.
  • Learn variables, data types, conditionals, functions.
  • Practice solving problems on platforms like HackerRank or LeetCode.
  • Build projects, learn debugging, and engage with communities.

This structured approach mirrors conventional programming education and has directed my learning in various areas.

2. Explaining Concepts

When faced with unfamiliar terms or complex ideas, I use ChatGPT for clarification. For instance, if someone mentions CPM/RPM for YouTube, I might even simplify the explanation request: “Explain this like I’m a child.”

3. Reformat Data

Recently, I needed to extract URLs from HTML. Instead of manually writing code, I asked ChatGPT to perform the extraction, saving URLs and headers into an Excel file in minutes. This tool also assists in converting tables to JSON format, enhancing my data handling efficiency.

4. Coding

AI tools have become integral to programming, with 50% of programmers in a StackOverflow survey acknowledging their use. ChatGPT, for instance, can quickly produce example code for ChartJS or assist in debugging by suggesting troubleshooting steps.

5. Career Advice

ChatGPT also provides career guidance. Asking, “What skills are important for [occupation]?” helps me identify future learning targets. Whether aspiring to be a tech lead or exploring careers that align with my interests in writing, gaming, and computers, it offers valuable insights.

These tools not only save me hours each week but also enhance my proficiency in areas beyond my expertise. With the evolution of language models and the availability of private, open-source options, their potential continues to expand.